本イベントは英語にての開催になります / This event will be conducted in English in Japan time zone.
After three years of initial planning, Peace Ambassafor Project in East Asia is now in its fourth year.
Over the three years, there were 29 events and initiatives within the project that were implemented, with approximately 300 people participating in various ways.
The three years from 2023 include the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II.
Under the theme of reconciliation and coexistence in East Asia, we aim to gather voices of wishes for tomorrow that transcend generations and affiliations, and form a discourse on the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II from civil society.
For this fifth meeting, we will connect online from the U.S., Shanghai, and Japan with people from the Strait Talk, organization which promotes dialogue among youth in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the U.S. to promote peace across the Taiwan Strait.

■テーマ🎵 / Topic
What is Strait Talk? -Empowering youth to promote peace-
Have you ever heard of Strait Talk?
Strait Talk is a non-partisan dialogue workshop that empowers young people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait to collaborate in transforming the Taiwan Strait conflict.
In this unstable era, with our strong hope to create the peaceful region, WUJ is very proud of inviting three speakers from the platform beyond the border.
Please join us for this precoious opportunity.
■日時🎵 / Dates
午前10:00-11:30 (JST)
December 9th, Sat
10am - 11:30 am (JST)
■開催形態 🎵 / Format
ゲストトーク(Erika, Tatsushi, Ryan)
全体対話 / グループディスカッション
Guest Talks (Erika, Tatsushi, Ryan)
Interactive Talk with the participants
Group Discussion/Reflection
Wrap Up
■開催言語🎵 / Language
英語 English
■企画 / Organizer
主催:NPO法人Wake Up Japan
■費用🎵 / About the cost
ギフトエコノミー制度 / Gift Economy System
NPO法人Wake Up Japanでは、おカネのあるなしによって、社会や個々人の人生を豊かにする手法へのアクセスが制限されてしまうことはおかしなことだと考えています。そのために、イベント開催に際して、必要経費以上の参加費は集めていません。一方で、イベント開催にはオンライン通話のための契約など費用も少なからずかかっています。経済的に可能な方はカンパをお願いいたします。また、経済的に余裕がない場合でも、メッセージでの感想の共有は主催者を元気づけますし、将来の「出世払い」の約束なども歓迎です。詳しくはイベント後にお知らせしますので、カンパが可能な方はお知らせください。
Wake Up Japan believes that it is strange that access to methods that enrich society and individual lives is restricted by the financial situation. For this reason, we do not charge more than the necessary participation fee to hold an event. On the other hand, there are also a few costs involved in organizing the event, such as contracts for online calls. If you are financially able, we would appreciate your donation. Even if you cannot financially afford it, sharing your impressions via message will cheer up the organizers, and promises of future "payouts" are welcome. More details will be provided after the event, so please let us know if you are able to make a camper.
■定員🎵 / Limit of participants
We expect around up to 30 participants.
■参加申し込み🎵 / Registration
Please register from the following link.
■リソースパーソン(敬称略)🎵 / Speakers

Erika Qing Guan (官晴)
Founder, Strait Talk Hong Kong
Co-President, Board of Directors, Strait Talk

Tatsushi Arai(新井立志)
Strait Talk Facilitator
Associate Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies, Kent State University, USA
About Tatsuhi: https://works.bepress.com/tatsushi_arai/

Ryan Chiu
Strait Talk Facilitator
Co-President, Board of Directors, Strait Talk
Delegate, Strait Talk Brown
About Strait Talk: https://straittalk.org/icr?fbclid=IwAR0Q39GnID-pv2SL6HIU3JFMnMpnMSUmsC5v_N5juN2Roen3usY1cK4tkRQ
■東アジア平和大使プロジェクトとは?🎵 / What is Peace Ambassador Project in East Asia?
This is an annual project of WUJ that began in 2020.
The project's philosophy is to create a society where the next generation in East Asia will no longer say "We are geohraphically close, yet psychologically far".
During the project period, events will be held monthly to create opportunities for dialogue and collaboration among people involved in reconciliation and coexistence in East Asia.
Please see below for an overview of the East Asia Peace Ambassadors Project.
*Schedule and program contents are subject to slight change. In addition, most contents are in Japanese.